Picture Planner: Icon-based personal planning

Help > Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Picture Planner

Please see our FAQ page and the installation pages for Macintosh or Windows computers. Many problems are covered there.

Kernel32.DLL Errors -- On some Windows computers, especially Windows95 and Windows98 computers you can experience a 'blue screen of death' error. You must use Windows98 Second Edition or Windows95 Rev B. Sometimes when you install other software (not Picture Planner) the installer will replace your Kernel32.DLL file -- this is a very bad thing. If this happened to your computer, you might have to reinstall Windows.

Illegal Action Error -- On some Windows computers, especially Windows95 and Windows98 computers, you may infrequently experience an application shutdown. Reboot your computer & try again. If this is a persistent problem, please contact us. We'll ask for information about how your computer is set up.


© 2001 Thomas Keating  Picture Planner™